Linkup Paint Supplies


Linkup Paint Supplies Limited was established more than 30 years ago in Hamilton servicing the greater Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions. Through strong brands and exceptional service Linkup Paints has grown to now four independently owned branches. The Group has been formed to assist with purchasing power and advantages to provide our customers with ... read more

6 Killarney Lane, Frankton, Hamilton, New Zealand
07 847 0933
 Number of employees
 Years in business


Brian P - Managing Director

Marcel K - Regional Sales / Business Development...

Mobile: 029 200 2812

Daryl L - Waikato Regional Rep

Mobile: 029 200 2814

Darren F - Hamilton Rep

Mobile: 029 200 2823

Ben J - Decorative Sales Rep

Mobile: 027 476 1091

Braydon S - Sales rep

Mobile: 027 430 5124

Avnil C - Technical Sales Rep

Mobile: 027 263 9510

Nicole B - Customer Services / Sales Rep


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