Auto Interior Specialists


At Auto Interior Specialists Ltd we are the auto interior refurbishment and restoration specialists.
We can offer over 30 years of experience in auto interior refurbishment and restoration. Our expert services include:
- Tailer made services combining colours and styles to your own preferences
- Conversions of manufacturers, from fabric to full leather interior
- Fully comprehensive traders insurance policy
- Insurance approved manufacturing and fitting of cabriolet hoods and headlining
- All types of leather repairs and alterations
- Connollising service
- Full 4 year warranty on all leather interiors
- Italian automotive leather
- Full UK and NZ Airbag approval and compatibility
Auto Interior Specialists Ltd was formed in 1997 and Since its inception the company has developed a strong customer base of established clients, including a number of major care dealerships in both UK and New Zealand.
So come to the experts for all your auto interior refurbishment and restoration needs. So call us today!